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Stronghold Hradiště in Znojmo

Stronghold Hradiště in Znojmo

5/19/15, 11:55 AM - 5/19/15

Znojmo is not just a wine town. Visitors can also tour the medieval underground, town hall tower and Romanesque rotund of the Virgin Mary and St. Catherine with unique frescoes.

Znojmo is also a town with many spiritual landmarks, e.g. the church of St. Nich­olas, founded as early as 1100. Next to the historical centre, on a tall rock over­looking the river Dyje, lies Hradiště, a place with over a thousand years of history. Archaeologists uncovered the remnants of settlements from various periods of the primeval ages, but namely from the age of Great Moravia, when a stronghold, sur­rounded by fortifications with two churches, burial grounds and many houses and workshops, stood here. Today, Hradiště is the site of a monastery and the priory of the Knights of the Cross with the Red Star with a Baroque church of St. Hypolitus.

When touring the surrounding areas, you should not omit the Baroque chateau in Vranov nad Dyjí, the national park Podyjí and, in the summer, the recreation area near the Vranovská dam. A church consecrated to St. Clement, among the oldest in southern Moravia, is located in the small village Horní Břečkov.