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Archaeological Park Chotěbuz-Podobora

Archaeological Park Chotěbuz-Podobora

5/4/15, 12:43 PM - 5/4/15

The site of today’s archaeological park was settled by people since primeval times and the early Iron Age. A large fortified keep stood here in the 8th–11th cen­turies, the seat of power and economic centre of the region. In the 11th century, all administrative, trade and defence activities relocated to the Zámecký vrch in today’s Polish Těšín, where the Těšín princes eventually established their seat. That is why the keep Hradiště in Chotěbuz-Podobora is sometimes called Old Těšín.

The archaeological park features an attractive exposition of life as it was over a thousand years ago, you will also learn about the work of archaeologists. Worth noting is e.g. the palisade fortification wall with tower and bridge, which you may recognise from the historical film and four-part series Cyril and Methodius – Apo­stles of the Slavs. The fortifications with original moats and walls are complemen­ted by various types of domiciles and workshops, including ironworks and other historical buildings.